When searching for a portable travel cooler that allows you to carry your drinkware, snacks, and perishable items easily and efficiently, you will want to consider high quality materials that do not break or rip easily. Traditional hard shell coolers are no longer the best option when doing outdoor activities such as boating, fishing, golfing, camping, or even enjoying cook-outs with friends and family.
If you are someone who spends a lot of time outdoors, maybe you live by a beach, go camping often, love to barbeque at different parks with friends and family, or you love to spend time fishing on your boat and have all of the necessary tools and items to make your experience super easy going whenever the itch to get outside comes around. However, if you find yourself being held back by the fact that you need to lug around a heavy, bulky cooling box with you to bring your meals and beverages along on a day out, the solution to your problem might be easier than you would think.
It is really quite common to get discouraged to go outside and enjoy the outdoors when you have tons of heavy items to carry around with you to ensure that you have a nice day with sufficient food and water. When you go to the beach for example, you might want to go to a more secluded area with less people, which also means you most likely won't have restaurants and shops nearby if you get hungry or thirsty while trying to enjoy a little more peace and quiet. Or maybe you are really looking forward to tubing down the river with your friends family on the Fourth of July, but again, feel discouraged when thinking about having to carry a hard and heavy cooler with you all the way down to the river. There are so many instances where you might decide to not do something fun outside because the one thing hindering you is the lack of suitable options there are to carry around essential items you and your family needs to fully enjoy a day in the outdoors unbothered.
Luckily there is now a line of incredible soft sided cooler bags which double as travel coolers, beach coolers, marine cooler and boat coolers, just to name a few uses. Additionally these insulated cooler bags are super light, collapsible so they are easy to pack away when not in use, and are much more portable than your traditional hard shell cooler.
There is nothing worse than having to walk on the beach with moving sand and a heavy hard shell cooler that knocks into your legs with every step. This is quite possibly one of the worst parts of going to the beach. Now, picture how your beach day would go with a portable soft cooler with an adjustable strap that can hold the perfect amount of food, water, beer, you name it! A family day out has never sounded so relaxing. If you are a parent who loves to take your out on different outdoor adventures, one of the biggest pains is having to pack absolutely every essential item you might potentially need.
Of course, the entire point of packing all of these essentials is to ensure that every family member has everything that they might need in order to have a great time. But this sometimes means you end up with a lot of awkward items in weird bags, and maybe you have even tried using backpacks to carry lunches and beverages, which ends up leaving you with even less room to include all the other important items you will need throughout your day. And not to mention the issue of having lunches smashed and mashed around in a backpack all day, kind of ruins some of the experience.
Norchill coolers are made with these different types of scenarios in mind. Understanding these different types of pain points is where Norchill stands out. Even if you are looking to enjoy a relaxing day out on your boat alone, it is not always feasible to carry everything you need in your backpack alone. However, with your backpack for all your essentials, and a soft cooler with an adjustable and comfortable strap to carry around your shoulder, you will find you day running that much more smoothly than it would without a small portable cooler.
You should not have to compromise your comfort or your day fishing alone simply because its a pain to carry around such heavy items. Choosing a product that works with you and adjusts to your comfort levels rather than choosing a traditional product that provides a solution to simply one problem, like keeping your perishable items in tact, does not really sound like the best overall option for someone who loves to be outdoors.
Thinking about the overall comfort and usability of a travel cooler opens up the possibilities to do different things in a way that feels more natural and accessible. Efficiency is at the top of everyone's list in 2020, with so many incredible innovations and genius products out there that make our lives less stressful, why continue to sacrifice your outdoor enjoyment because of heavy bulky coolers that no longer serve their purpose of being convenient to use.
With various different styles and designs to fit anyone's preference, Norchill has created high performance coolers that serve multiple purposes. Just to give you a few ideas, these coolers can be used in some really unique ways that you will both love and probably continue to find more and more uses for them yourself as you continue to use your Norchill cooler bag.
These portable bags work as bait bags for fishing trips, a grocery bag to keep your frozen items cold during the hot summer months, and even have the capability to keep food warm during cold months. With a more streamlined method to do all these activities with ease, you will find yourself going out more often and enjoying the hobbies you truly love to do all year around.