A day away from home should be as stress free as possible. Practical yet tactical gear can make all the difference for whatever type of excursion you have. There is no need to rely on fast food or suffer through warm bottles of water due to the lack of space for a large and bulky cooler in your car or SUV. You should also be able to take your beverages and food to go if you are departing on foot, bike or boat. A Norchill cooler bag will be the best bet for any type of day out. Speaking of days out, here are some prime examples when the cooler bag comes in handy.
Busy Parent of Athletes?
How many times have you found yourself on a field watching your child in a soccer, football, rugby or Lacrosse match? The sun is beating down on you and it is a tournament weekend. Parking is absolute chaos. There are people directing you where to park and you realize once you are parked that you are several fields away from where you need to be. Concession lines are lengthy and prices are hiked. An insulated bag is the answer in this scenario. You are already the pack mule parents being forced to carry folding chairs, a first aid kit, possibly an umbrella to block out the sun or protect you from potential incoming rain and now you need to somehow get nourishment and beverages to the field as well. There is absolutely no way you can drag a cooler along with all this gear. Don't worry, the Norchill portable cooler has you covered. It can easily be slung around your wrist or on your shoulder. This travel cooler will make travel sports more enjoyable. Now your family and your athlete will have cool snacks and beverages all day while moving from field to field.
Carrying Necessary Supplies?
Medical supplies sometimes need to be taken with no matter where you go. When these supplies require refrigeration you cannot risk using a subpar type of insulated tote. You can trust in the quality and superior insulation that the NorChill brand is known for to keep your medicine and supplies chilled and safe.
Hunting and Fishing? Necessities Will Be Required
A day out on the lake or in the woods should be quiet and exhilarating. The Norchill realtree cooler and camo cooler will easily blend in along with the rest of your hunting gear. Because of the adjustable straps and portability, it will be easy to carry the realtree cooler camo cooler along with everything you need to your hunting blind. The marine cooler is waterproof and can hold your bait, snacks and beverages for your entire fishing trip. The boatbag boat cooler series is water resistant so you will not need to worry if it accidentally gets wet. No matter which insulated cooler you choose for your time in the great outdoors you will be able to rely on the durability combined with functionality.
A Day At The Beach
Sometimes you just have to kick back and relax lake side. You might be planning on staying in the sand all day or perhaps you are going to go for a boat ride around the lake. The boat cooler and marine cooler are both ideal for keeping water and other beverages cool on the sand and on the boat. If you need a bit more space because you plan on staying on the beach all day the beach cooler bag is ideal. It is large enough to hold lunch and beverages. Sun block and aloe also fit nicely in this back. There is nothing more calming on sunbathed skin than a nice cool application of sunscreen and then aloe as the sun sets. The beach cooler bag in the air-series is best for a day at the beach because of its leak proof design combined with back pack toting capability.
What About Hiking?
We have already established that the air-series is ideal for a day at the beach but this bag is also fantastic for a day hiking the trails. The back pack design makes it simple to carry around. Now you can have your lunch at a scenic overlook. This lunch cooler bag is even large enough for a small first aid kit or large beach towel to sit on along with all food, snacks and beverages.
Enjoy The Green
When you're out on the golf course you may not find a lot of relief from the blazing sun. The golf cart does provide a bit of shade and the occasional tree helps too but the golf cooler bag is a soft sided cooler that is easy to cart along. The golf cooler bag is ideal for your water and your cooling microfiber golf towel. These towels hold water and are easily applied to your face and neck when you need a cool down. keeping them cool is optimal. The soft sided cooler is light weight and can easily be slung over one shoulder while your golf bag is slung over the other. This is the best small cooler for a leisurely day outside.
Keep Things Warm During Winter Outdoor Activities
A insulated cooler is also great for cold winter days when you intend to go sledding or skiing. The soft cooler will easily be carried a long and you can store a thermos of warm hot cocoa and hand warmers without having to worry about them becoming chilled by the air.
A fantastic day in the great outdoors spent fishing, hunting, biking, hiking, golfing, boating or taking in some sports should never be uncomfortable. The right lunch cooler bag can make all the difference. A soft cooler is comfortable to carry no matter where you are going. NorChill makes the best small cooler for leisure excursions and a heavy-duty portable cooler for entire days spent outside. An insulated bag is important to store medicine that may need to be kept cool, beverages, food, sunblock, aloe and fishing bait. The right type of travel cooler can make or break the day. Never skimp on an insulated bag. Cheaper bags often equate to low quality and you'll be left with less insulation and your necessities can become compromised to the heat.